Opening hours & Fees
Our core hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, all year except for the last week of August and a week over Christmas.
We offer early drop off from 7:30am and later pickups if required - every parent and child's circumstances are different, please get in touch to discuss your own requirements.
We also offer before school care for 4-11 year olds from 7.30am to 8.30am every day of the week in the term time if requested.
At 8.30am, the children are escorted to the school playground to meet their teachers.
For information on fees please get in touch
Events & Fundraising
Investing in the next generation
As a charity we don't have shareholders or answer to business owners. Every penny is reinvested into the nursery to give children the best chance in life, which they fully deserve.
Our events are posted on our social media platforms, which you can find on our contact page. If you want to get involved, please get in touch.